<span>Calling all former members of the Madamoiselles, Bon Amies, Angels and Saintsations.
In an effort to show our appreciation for your support of the New Orleans Saints throughout the years, we are excited to announce the formation of the official Saintsation Alumni Association.
The objective of this prestigious group will not only be to reconnect with fellow team members, but to continue down the road built by the "Saintsation Inspiration Program" by volunteering our time and energy to once again make a positive impact on our community.
We are currently in the process of putting together many philanthropic opportunities, as well as a special pregame performance at the Saints Alumni game on Sunday, October 12, 2008.
What a great opportunity to reconnect with fellow team members and to once again take center field at a New Orleans Saints Game. We encourage you to register for this exciting event and to spread the word to fellow team members who may live outside the New Orleans area. We want you to be in this number when the Saintsations go marching in!!!
Please email Tori Nunez at tori@saintsations.org for more information.