New Orleans Saints Cornerback P.J. Williams
Conference Call with New Orleans Media
Friday, May 1, 2015
Can you go through your thoughts on being drafted by the Saints?
"I'm excited. The Saints were definitely a team that I talked to quite a bit; they let me know that I was a great fit for their defense. Once I got that call, I was definitely excited to land in a great place like that, and with a great team and a lot of guys that I can learn from and grow with. This is definitely a great time for me."
You had a lot of success at Florida State. How did that prepare you to play at the next level?
"It's definitely something good to be able to have that success at Florida State and come from a winning program where losing is not something that you're used to. When that is the case, it makes you really want to do whatever it takes to win. When you get players like that, it's definitely easy for them to fit in and be able to help you go win some games or a Super Bowl. Playing in all of those big games has definitely helped me out, and that experience will help my team win some games."
Did you have an idea that the Saints were a team that was interested in you?
"Yes. I talked to the coaches quite a few times. At Pro Day, I met with pretty much a lot of the staff, so they were definitely a team that I knew was interested. I also went to dinner the night of Pro Day with the Saints defensive backs coach (Wesley McGriff), and I definitely knew they were interested from that experience. I'm very excited to be a Saint."
Who are some of the other Saints coaches you talked to at your Pro Day at Florida State and your visit?
"I met with the head coach, we talked a lot. We let me know how things go around there. He pretty much told me how camp is going to be. Being able to talk to him about stuff like that lets you know that they are very into it, that they want to let you know how things go in their system. Coach McGriff that's who I went to dinner with that night, he really liked me a lot, he let me know that. As soon he got to talk to me, we just got to talking a whole lot about life. He got to know me and I got to know him. Playing for him will definitely be great and it will definitely be a great fit for me."
At what point did you realize your jumping video onto a nearly head-high platform was a pretty big deal?
"Later that day, I talked to my agent he said he sent it some people. About an hour later he called me and was like it's going to be on ESPN tomorrow. I thought, 'That's crazy.' On Instagram, it was definitely very popular and everybody was liking and commenting on it. Every day for like a week or two I was getting comments from that. It was definitely exciting."
Off of the football field, what's the highest thing you've jumped on?
"Growing up, I used to flip off of everything. I have always had a lot of athleticism. We actually worked up to, I had another level that I pretty much got up there but I didn't stick it on that one. I believe that was pretty high"
At what age did you dunk a basketball the first time?
"I think was probably in the ninth grade. We had a huge tournament at my school we had every year. When I was in the tenth grade, I entered the dunk contest and I got second place over guys who are like 6'6". I was about 5-11 or 6 feet at the time. Then myself and everyone knew that I could jump that high."
Associated Press photos of new Saints CB P.J. Williams.